Wardie School

in the



Recollections of the 1970s

from the

'Wardie School Anniversary Booklet  1931-1981'

Recollections of the 1970s:

School Fees Abolished

Wardie School Fees were abolished in 1970.  They had previously been £12 per year, including books.


There was a cruise aboard 'Uganda' to Norway and Denmark for 28 pupils in 1971. 


Outings nearer home in the 1970s included:

-  Bannockburn

-  Blair Drummond Safari Park

-  Burns' House

-  Culross

-  Farne Islands

-  Hadrian's Wall

-  Leith Town Hall for 'The Gondoliers''

-  Loch Lomond

-  Melrose Abbey

-  Preston Mill

-  The Royal Scottish Museum at East Fortune Airfield.

[Anniversary Booklet  -  Wardie School  1931-1981]


  More pages: 

Wardie School:    1930s     1940s     1950s     1960s     1970s     1980s




North Edinburgh

Cramond - Granton - Royston - Trinity -  Wardie


Granton:  transport map 1932

Granton:  small map 1870

Granton:  large map 1870


Cramond:                        from 1940s

Cramond Island:              1970s

Granton:                           1930s   1940s   1950s   1970s

Granton, Trinity, Wardie:  1940s   1950s - 60s   Shops

Lower Granton Road        all dates

Muirhouse                         from 1930s

Pilton:                               1940 bomb

Royston:                            from 1930s

Wardie School:                 1930s    1940s   1950s

                                         1960s    1970s   1980s


Granton, Trinity, Wardie:  from 1544


Recollections  -  More Pages

Recollections  -   Contributors


