St George's Church


Engraving from Modern Athens - published 1829

St George's Church  -  Charlotte Square

Engraving in 'Modern Athens  -  St George's Church in Charlotte Square

©  Copyright: For permission to reproduce, please contact


Drawn by Thomas H Shepherd

Engraved by W Watkins


The Royal Institution

The building of St George's church began in 1811 and was completed in 1814 at an expense of £33,000. 

The view above looks to the north-east towards St George's Church on the East side of Charlotte Square, facing into the Square.  

The Book Modern Athens,  which featured the engraving above, also contained a second view of this church, taken from George Street on the opposite side of the Square.

Engraving in 'Modern Athens'  -  St George's Church, Charlotte Square ©

Please click here to read comments on the architecture of St George's church, taken from the book Modern Athens in which these engravings appeared.



Engravings from Modern Athens  -  Published 1829

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