James Patrick  -   EPS Lecture  -  9 October 1895

A Village by the Sea

Triunial Lantern

Transactions of the Edinburgh Photographic Society reported in October 1895:

"  Mr Haddow has kindly agreed to project Mr Patrick's slides by the triunial lantern.   It is the first time, we understand, that such an instrument has  been used in Scotland."

James Patrick was then Vice-President of EPS. 


The village was Buckhaven. 

James Patrick described and illustrated his lecture with with many slides showing the people and scenery of Buckhaven, most of the photos having been taken with a hand-camera.


The account of the Meeting said:

"  The presence of a much larger number of ladies than usually patronise the Society's meetings was a source of gratification.  The meetings of the Society are always made more attractive by their presence, and we hope that during the session there will be a much larger proportion of ladies present at our meetings than formerly.  They are cordially invited.

Transactions of the Edinburgh Photographic Society, October 1895, p.273 and November 1895, p.279.


