Edinburgh Corporation Transport Department

Maps of Tram and Bus Routes

1924 - 1961


Maps of Edinburgh's Tram and Bus Routes 1924 to 1961

 ©  Copyright: For permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk


Above are the covers of some early maps of Edinburgh's Tram and Bus Routes.

The maps show:

1924:  Trams and Buses

1928:  Trams and Buses

1932:  Trams and Buses

1936:  Trams and Buses

1939:  Trams and Buses

1961-2:  Night Buses

The first four of these maps have not been dated by the publishers, so the dates shown above are my estimates based on the content of the maps and the adverts on the backs of the maps.



Other Edinburgh Transport Maps


