Professional Photographer

Thomas Burns

Thomas Burns was a professional photographer in Fife from 1860-70, and again from 1872-83.  In 1868, he published a book of his photographs of Old Edinburgh:  “Picturesque Bits”.

From 1880 to1910, he had studios in Edinburgh, producing silver and carbon photographs, finished in oil and water colours.

He joined Edinburgh Photographic Society in the season 1884-85

He was also a member of EPS. He contributed bromide, carbon and carbon-opal photographs to the 1890 EPS Exhibition.


Was it Thomas or Archibald Burns who took the negatives that were used for the EPS  Popular Meeting in 1866:

 Trossachs and Neighbourhood ?


Thomas Burns

Photograph by Thomas Burns of Willie and Amy Center, the son and wife of the Edinburgh photographer and bagpipe maker, John Center ©

Professional Photographer

Studio Addresses and Dates

Photograph of the Center Family


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