Royal Navy & Royal
Association & Club
(Edinburgh) |
Lake Maquarie, New South Wales, Australia |
Thank you to Ian Thomson,
Lake Maquarie, New South Wales, Australia for
allowing me to reproduce this photo.
Ian wrote:
"This picture is of a happy
crowd of ladies at the 'Navy Club'. It was given to me by my mother
in law, Jean Kernan, who is middle-left in the photo. My wife tells
me that the ladies had been on a bus tour then returned to the club.
The photo was taken some
time in the 1970s. The club was opposite The Ritz cinema in
Broughton Street. We used to go there on a Saturday night. We
had some great singsongs there. It was altogether a great crowd.
|I think there were a lot of Leithers there. I wonder if anybody can
name any of them. The club had a full-size billiard table
I wonder if the club is
still going." *
Lake Maquarie, New South Wales, Australia:
May 5+9, 2010
* Yes.
See below. - Peter Stubbs
The Club
The club is
still going. Its address is at Heriot Hill House, 1 Broughton Road,
Edinburgh. I've just checked the Internet and found that:
- SE Scotland Wargames Club meets there on
Thursday evenings.
- There is jazz on Sundays ('Big Band
- There was a 'Valentine Funky Dress' evening
in February 2010.
Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh: May 13,
2010 |
Danny Callaghan
Falkirk, Stirling, Scotland
with reply from |
Danny Callaghan wrote |
Isa Flucker?
"I was
interested to see the picture of the ladies of the Navy Club.
I'm sure that
the lady, 2nd from right on back row
- not the 2
ladies standing together - is our
neighbour and friend,
Isa Flucker. She she is still going
But, is it Isa Flucker?
See 'Recollections 3'
Lily and Danny Callaghan
"I don't
see my mother, Lily, in picture.
She and my dad,
Danny, were
regulars every Saturday night at the navy club. Woe betide anyone who
sat at my mum and dads' table.
There was dancing every Saturday
night to a live band, but following my mum's
heart troubles she could not dance. My dad was a great dancer.
(What happened to me?)
My dad could dance anything, rumba, foxtrot, jive, you name it.
had a string of regular partners for particular dances and carried on
going till shortly before his death in 1992 aged
My dad also loved to get up and
give a song. He would learn all the verses
of the current ballads and give his all to a rapt audience. (Another
'What happened to me?')
Here is a
picture of my dad, taking the
floor at the Navy Club in the late-1980s.
David Flucker
Kirknewton, West
Lothian, Scotland |
David Flucker replied: |
Not Isa Flucker
"This lady in this photo
that Danny refers to is not Isa Flucker.
I am Isa's youngest
son, David. My
mother is not in this photo.
But I do have fond memories of the Navy
Club and their yearly picnics and
Christmas Parties."
David Flucker: May 30, 2010:
Kirknewton, West Lothian, Scotland.
David tells me that his father was
Sports Secretary at The Navy Club in the 1970s. David was a member
of the Club until he moved out of Edinburgh in 1987.
Acknowledgement - David Flucker:
June 6, 2010
Danny Callaghan
Falkirk, Stirling, Scotland |
Thank you to Danny
Callaghan who
Navy Club
"There have been a few mentions of the Navy
Club on Broughton Road to which I have contributed including a picture of
my Dad singing his heart out (2 above).
I have just found my father's Membership Card
and Rule Book from the club. He joined in 1965 and the membership was 15
shilling (75p) a year.
He was a member until his death in 1992.
Hardly a Saturday did he or my Mum miss.
Their table was jealously guarded and they were usually there by 6.30pm.
Danny Callaghan, Falkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland:
February 11, 2011 |
Navy Club

Thank you to Ian Thomson,
Lake Maquarie, NSW, Australia
for allowing me to reproduce this photo. Photographer
not known.
Lake Maquarie, New South Wales, Australia |
Thank you to Ian Thomson
for writing again and sending another two photos taken at the 'Navy Club'.
When Might these photos have been taken?
Ian wrote:
Mixed Group
and Jean Kernan, my wife's parents are in the
2nd back row, on the right.
On a Saturday night at the club, there was
great entertainment with some fine singers. I had a hired car and
used to back it up to the front door, then take the old folk home.
They were quite merry by the end of the night."
Lake Maquarie, New South Wales, Australia:
February 14, 2011
Men Only Night
photo was taken on 'Men Only Night' at the Club.
- Bill Kernan
is middle-left
- The big fella on
the right is Willy Tobey
- I should know the
young lad, middle-back, as I spent a night or two with him. It could
be Rab Young. I'm not sure."
Lake Maquarie, New South Wales, Australia:
February 20, 2011