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Alexander Asher (1837-1903)

Cartes de Visite

Cartes de Visite  -  4 portraits  -  Photographer: Asher

©  Reproduced by courtesy of National Galleries of Scotland.  See Copyright Notice


This attractive carte de visite dates from the period 1864-70, when Asher was based at 47 Whitfield Place.  It shows 4 small "diamond portraits".  As with other cartes de visite, the overall size of this card is about 2.5 ins x 4 ins.

Carte de Visite  -  Photographer: Asher

©  Reproduced by courtesy of Zella Ashford

This carte de visite is from the1871-78 period, when Alexander Asher's studio was based at 14 Antigua Street



Family            Societies            Photographs

Studio addresses and dates        Tunny & Asher         Studios            Darkrooms

Cartes de visite         Cabinet Print - 1        Cabinet Print - 2         Small Group Photos



