Edinburgh's Corporation Transport Department Map

Places of Interest  -  1929

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Places of Interest listed on an Edinburgh Corporation Transport Department Map, published around 1932

©  Copyright: For permission to reproduce, please contact peter.stubbs@edinphoto.org.uk


Places of Interest

The list above shows the places of interest listed on an Edinburgh Bus and Tram Map of 1932.

The choice of sites to visit in 1932, the opening hours, admission charges and locations may be of interest.

The index above appears in the bottom right hand corner of this map.  The index gives grid references for the Places of Interest.  The grid letters and numbers on the on the original map are small.  They cannot be read when the map is displayed on this map. 

However, positions of the Places of Interest can be estimated.

Edinburgh Corporation Transport Department  -  Map of Tram and Bus Routes  -  1932 ©

-  The letters run from A (left) to O (right).

-  The numbers run from 1 (top) to 11 (bottom).


Maps - 1924, 1926, 1929                   Other Adverts - 1932




Full Index Bus






Trams - Central Edinburgh

Trams - Around Edinburgh


