Inverleith Terrace

Inverleith Terrace is about a mile to the north of the centre of Edinburgh.  It runs along the southern edge of Edinburgh's Royal Botanic Gardens.

35 Inverleith Terrace  -  Edzell Lodge  -  Cars in the front garden

Around 1968

Morris Minor,     Rover,     Austin Hereford A70

 Cars in the front garden of Inverleith Terrace, around 1968

©  Copyright: Peter Stubbs  -   please contact


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    Students' cars parked in the front garden of No 35 Inverlieth Terrace  -  around 1968 ©


35 Inverleith Terrace  -  Edzell Lodge


No 35 Inverleith Terrace is at the western end of the street, close to the SE corner of Inverleith Park.    All the houses in Inverleith Terrace are on the southern side of the street.

Edinburgh's Royal Botanic Gardens run along the northern side of the street.  These gardens are on the other side of the high hedge seen in the background of the photograph above.

Around 1968

The photograph above was taken around 1968 in the front garden of 35 Inverleith Terrace.  The house was then owned by The Standard Life Assurance Company and was a hostel for students studying the actuarial exams.

The cars belong to three of the students living in the house.  The cars are:

-  an early model of the Morris Minor.  It had two panes of glass in the windscreen!

-   a Rover

-   An Austin Hereford, A70.  This was my car.  I paid £24 10s 0d for it and ran it for three years.

I remember the house well.  It had a flat roof with views to the south across the Colonies Housing and the Water of Leith towards the centre of Edinburgh, and in the evenings a floodlit Edinburgh Castle.

Around 1900

Here is an earlier view of the house.  The photo was taken probably around 1900, soon after the house was built.

Looking to the east along Inverleith Terrace - No 35 is the nearest house  -  around 1900 ©


History of 35 Inverleith Terrace

Inverleith Terrace Photos


