Milton Street School

Dumbiedykes, Edinburgh

Around 1895

A group of barefoot children at Milton Street School, around 1895

© Reproduced with acknowledgement to Ron Leckie, California, USA

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   A group of barefoot children at Milton Street School, around 1895 ©


Milton Street School

Hugh Leckie


Thank you to Ron Leckie for sending me this photograph of a class of barefoot children in Edinburgh.

Ron wrote:

"This photograph is of the old Milton Street School, circa 1895.  My grandfather, Hugh Leckie, is front row, third in from right."

Ron explained how Hugh Leckie went on to start the family's coal delivery business, based at St Leonard's Edinburgh.

Ron wrote:

"The family business delivering coal in Edinburgh, Scotland started in 1907, when Hugh Leckie, Sr. wrote his first one-year contract of employment with J. Alexander Halkett.

This was extended for two more years, then in 1910 and 1913 there followed two three-year contracts. After working for someone else for 9 years, the young Hugh decided to branch out on his own, forming the business that was to become one of Edinburgh's larger coal merchants, "Hugh Leckie & Sons.

Leckie's Coal Yard, St Loenard's, Edinburgh ©

The family business was based in St. Leonard's Coal Station.  It grew,  as first two of the four sons and then all four were taken on as partners."

Ron Leckie, California, USA:  November 2, 2007

Thank you also to Ron Leckie for providing an example of an early direct sales leaflet from Leckie & Sons:

Hugh Leckie & Sons, Coal Merchants, St Leonards, Edinburgh ©

25 years later

Here is another photograph of a class at Milton Street School, this one taken in the late 1920s.

Milton Street School class, late-1920s ©


Question 1

Michael Melrose wrote:

Leckie Brothers?

"When we stayed in No 8 Horse Wynd, at the bottom of the Canongate where the Scottish Parliament is now, there was a Mr Leckie and his wife who stayed one floor below us in the tenement.

I would guess that in the late 1950’s he would be mid 50’s age wise.  He was a Coal Man.  I remember the flat bed Bedford truck that used to drop him off.  I don’t remember his first name.

I remember he used to come back at night from work “black as the Earl of Hell's waist coat " as my grandfather would say.  Could this be one of the Leckie brothers referred to in your article?"

Michael Melrose, Greenbank, Edinburgh:  November 18, 2007


Question 1


Ron Leckie replied:

Leckie Cousins?

"It was not any of our immediate family who lived in Horse Wynd.  I don’t know who it was, but there was another Leckie coal family, 'James Leckie'. They were cousins of my father/ grandfather.  I did not know them very well."

Ron Leckie, California, USA:   November 18, 2007


Question 2

Ron Steel left this message in the EdinPhoto guest book:

Janet Leckie

"I was looking at Leckie the coal man with the photos of the barefoot children when I recollected that I knew a Janet Leckie who lived with her family in West Newington Place.

Her parents were coal merchants.  I went to a superb New Year Party at their apartment - top floor, two apartments made into one.   We had a great time, but as usual have now lost touch with them and her."

Ron Steel, Blairgowrie, Australia: October 12, 2009


Question 2


Today, I received an email from Janet Leckie, in response to the second paragraph of Ron Steel's recollections above.  So I how have a question for Ron Steel:

Question for Ron Steel

"Ron:  can you please email me, and let me know your email address, so that I can pass it on to Janet Leckie.    Thank you.

Peter Stubbs:  November 25, 2009



Hugh Leckie & Sons  -  Coal Merchants

School Photograph 1895

Hugh Leckie

Leckie Direct Marketing

Arthur Street Coal Lorry

Coal Yard

Coronation Coal Lorry



Groups  -  School Classes

