Photography in Edinburgh by Robert Blomfield

Where is it?



5 boys, a yard and tenements  -  1960

Photograph taken in Edinburgh, 1960  -  Where is it?

© Robert Blomfield                                      Photo taken 1960


Photography in Edinburgh by Robert Blomfield

Photo 1

Where is it?

This is one of a large collection of photos taken by Robert Blomfield  in Edinburgh between 1956 and 1967.  Robert's brother, John is in the process of scanning and cataloguing the photos.

He'd like to discover where this photo was taken.  If you recognise the location, please email me, then I'll pass on the news to John.

Thank you

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh:  26 March, 2013




Tom Harrison

Buckstone, Edinburgh

The locations of all except two of the 14 photos taken by Robert Blomfield have already been identified.  The only photos still to be identified are No. 1 and No. 2.

Here, Tom comments on Photo No. 1

Thank you Tom (and thanks for your earlier email identifying Photo No.12.)

Tom wrote:

Photo No. 1


"I think the lads here are in Oakfield.  That's where Young Brothers' vans were loaded for deliveries.  It was at the rear of Middle Arthur Place, looking onto West Arthur Place."

  Photograph taken in Edinburgh, 1960  -  Where is it? ©

"We played there and looked for cakes and buns when the vans were away.  I'm sure Eric Gold and Bob Henderson may know those young lads - or maybe not!

I feel strongly that this photo was taken at Oakie, as we called it."

Tom Harrison, Buckstone, Edinburgh:  2 September, 2013




Bob Henderson

Burdiehouse, Edinburgh

After I read Tom's comments in Recollections 1 above, I emailed Eric Gold and Bob Hederson to ask them if they recognised the location of this photo, or any of the lads in it.

  Photograph taken in Edinburgh, 1960  -  Where is it? ©

Within 15 minutes, I received a reply from Bob, who wrote:

The Location

"I agree that this photo was taken at the loading yard for Young's the Bakers, at West Arthur Place   It's the corrugated iron that clinches it for me."

  Photograph taken in Edinburgh, 1960  -  Where is it? ©

The Lads

"Unfortunately, the young lads are not of my era, so I can't help there."

Tom Harrison, Buckstone, Edinburgh:  5 September, 2013




Eric Gold

East End, London

Thank you to Eric Gold, who also agrees with the location of this photo, as identified by Tom Harrison in his Recollections 1 above.

Eric wrote:

Young Brothers' Yard

"I looked at the photo carefully and I agree.  It is behind Young Brothers, at West Arthur Place, off Arthur Street, as mentioned by Bob Henderson."

    Photograph taken in Edinburgh, 1960  -  Where is it? ©

The Big Rats

"I, too, used to look for old cakes and biscuits,  but the big rats beat us to it (ha ha ha ha ha).  I remember eating a cake with my friends and the big rat was on my shoe looking for a piece, so we gave him a chunk too.

The Boys

"I don’t remember the 4 boys on the left in this photo, but the lad on the far right with the blonde hair was a friend of mine called Garry Hawkins.  I'd really have to see a bigger photo, but I’m sure it is Garry."

  Photograph taken in Edinburgh, 1960  -  Where is it? ©

Eric Gold, East End, London::  6 September, 2013




Eric Gold

East End, London

Thank you to Eric Gold for writing again, adding:

Young Brothers' Yard

     Photograph taken in Edinburgh, 1960  -  Where is it? ©

Cakes, Rats and Cats

"This photo brought back memories to me as we used to go to Oakie (Young Brothers' yard).  As luck would have it, one driver left the door of his van open so my friends and I, and the big rats, had a heyday. 

My ma ate the shortbread and cakes, and when we were going down the brae to our hoose the rats followed suit only to be met with our cat, Toodles, and his mates so the rats got killed.


"They  they were great memories.  You can’t buy those!   I would move Arthurs Seat and Heaven and Hell, if possible, just to be able to walk down Arthur Street again! 

Living. later, in Niddrie was OK, but you never had the character’s that you had in the Dumbiedykes area of town."

Eric Gold, East End, London::  6 September, 2013




Fraser Parkinson

Pilrig, Edinburgh

Thank you to Fraser Parkinson for telling me that he also believes that the photo at the top of this page would have been taken at Oakfield.

Fraser wrote


"I would agree with Tom Harrison that the location of this photo is likely to have been taken at West Arthur Place (Oakfield).

    Photograph taken in Edinburgh, 1960  -  Where is it? ©

The photo below (taken from the Edinphoto web site) will hopefully help illustrate this.

The flat roofline in the distance is the rear is of the Pleasance. It san also be seen on a photo on the  'Sixties Edinburgh web site.  The roofline on the left of Robert Blomfield's photo is likely to be the roofs of Salisbury Place, running downhill.

I hope this helps and while not 100% it may be confirmed by others"

Fraser Parkinson, Pilrig, Edinburgh:  September 16 + 23, 2013

Another Photo

Fraser also sent me a photo taken from the Flickr 'Sixties Edinburgh' web site to support his case that the photo at the the top of this page would have been taken at Oakfield. 

Fraser pointed out that the rooflines in both these photos match.

However, for copyright reasons, I've not added that photo from the Flickr 'Sixties Edinburgh' web site to the EdinPhoto web site.

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh:  September 24, 2013




J and C

Thank you to J and C who wrote:

The Yard

      Photograph taken in Edinburgh, 1960  -  Where is it? ©

"I mind this yard well.  We played in the yard.

It was used by Grants as a furniture warehouse.  All of Arthur Street was gone by then, but Salisbury Street was still standing.

We used to get bamboo poles from the fire before the warehouse man lit it, and think we were knights,up an down East Adam Street in about 1962-63."

J and C:  April 17, 2014


Where is it?
(Robert Blomfield photos)

Where is it?
(All photos)



