Bruce Peebles

New Transformer Factory

East Pilton, Edinburgh

December 12, 1962

Construction of the new Bruce Peebles transformer factory in the early 1960s

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Siemens Transmission & Distribution Ltd


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    Construction of the new Bruce Peebles transformer factory in the early 1960s ©


Bruce Peebles  -  New Transformer Factory

December 1962

This view looks to the SE across the site for Bruce Peebles' new transformer factory, about to be built. 

Existing Bruce Peebles buildings can be seen in the background

-  The Welding Dept and Rotating Machinery / Rectifier Depts on the left

-  The old Transformer Works on the right


Bruce Peebles - Building the new transformer factory in early 1960s

Bruce Peebles  -  Index

Edinburgh Waterfront



