

1930s and 1940s

Thank you to Stuart McCann, Swifts Creek, Australia, formerly for the following recollections:

Old Chain Pier

"I have lots of happy memories of growing up in Edinburgh.

 I lived in Trinity Crescent, opposite the 'Old Chain Pier Bar', run in those days, by a very feisty lady by the name of Bett Moss. 

A penny a bottle was the going rate, for returning empty screwtop beer bottles"

School and Harbour

"Newhaven School was where I was introduced to the three "R"s, and the slipway at the Harbour was where I learned to pick up any herring as they fell out of the baskets, while the yawls were being unloaded.

Many's the time I went home after school with ten herring (one on each finger) and my Mum was glad to get them those days before the War"

Stuart McCann, Swifts Creek, Victoria, Australia  -  May 2005


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