
About 10 miles west of the centre of Edinburgh
and 2 miles south of South Queensferry




Ian Thomson
Lake Maquarie, New South Wales, Australia

-  Golf Courses

-  The Glue Factory

-  Football

-  Travel to Kirkliston




Ian Thomson

Lake Maquarie, New South Wales, Australia

Thank you to Ian Thomson who wrote:

Travel to Kirkliston

"I was a 15-year-old plumber's apprentice with Fell & Mathieson in Corstorphine.  One of the places I worked at was Maradolla Ice Cream Shop on the corner of the village of Kirkliston

In those days, it was right turn at the Maybury, out past the airfield, over the river & up the hill to reach Kirkliston.  There were no cars  It was all done by one-gear bike.

Wonderful country.  I had happy days and memories of when time didn't seem to matter."

Ian Thomson, Lake Maquarie, New South Wales , Australia:  October 6, 2010

More Travels

Ian also wrote about his travels to Ratho and Newbridge, when he worked as a plumber's apprentice with Fell & Mathieson.

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh, October 8, 2010


Ratho:  Photos and Recollections

Edinburgh Recollections



