John Codona

One Man Band

Warrender Park Road

Around 1960s


The junction of Warrender Park Road and Whitehouse Loan, in the snow  -  around the 1960s

© Reproduced with acknowledgement to Ally McGurk,
 from the collected photos taken by  Ally and her father, Thomas M. McGurk


'One Man Band'

This junction is on the edge of Bruntsfield LInks, about half a mile to the south of Tollcross.

Ally McGurk who provided this photo writes:

John Codona

"Here is John Codona performing on his one-man-band outside our stair in Warrender Park Road, sometime in the 1950s or early 1960s.

As he got older he could no longer carry the big drum, and there's another picture of him here, showing him when he played just the chanter.

John Codona, one man band, in Warrender Park Road  -  early 1960s ©

He was a regular visitor to our street throughout my childhood, and was, I believe, a member of the Codona fairground family."

Ally McGurk, July 16, 2007

Thank you to Ally McGurk, daughter of Thomas M McGurk for allowing me to reproduce this photo.  More photos taken by Ally and Thomas can be found on the Flickr web site.


Photos  -  Ally and Thomas M McGurk

Around Edinburgh


