Princes Street


Looking to the west along Princes Street from the East End

Looking west along Princes Street from the East End  -  1959

© Reproduced with acknowledgement to Ally McGurk, from the collected photos taken by  Ally and her father, Thomas M. McGurk


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     Looking west along Princes Street from the East End  -  1959 ©


Princes Street

This view looks to the west along Princes Street from the East End, in front of the North British Hotel, now the Balmoral Hotel.  Woolworths is on the fight-hand side of the road.

Balmoral Hotel and Princes Street  -  August 2004 ©

The Scott Monument can be seen on the edge of Princes Street Gardens, near the centre of the picture.

The Scott Monument  -  Spectators for the Edinburgh Festival Cavalcade at the Scott Monument  -  3 August 2003  -  zoom-out ©

There has not been much change to the buildings in this scene over the last five decades, but the transport and fashions in the street capture the period of the late'1950s well.

This photo is one of several that were taken by Thomas M McGurk, from the top deck of a bus in Princes Street, on June 20, 1959, three years after the trams in Princes Street had been replaced by buses.

Thank you to Ally McGurk, daughter of Thomas M McGurk for allowing me to reproduce this photo.  More photos taken by Ally and Thomas can be found on the Flickr web site.


Photos  -  Ally and Thomas M McGurk

Princes Street - Looking West

Around Edinburgh


