Sax Shaw

Artist, tapestry, stained glass worker

Howe Street, Edinburgh New Town

Looking down to the workshop in Howe Street  -  1992

Saxe Shaw  -  Howe Street, Edinburgh New Town  -   1991

©  Copyright:  Peter Stubbs                                                                                   Photograph taken Photograph taken February 28, 1991


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   Saxe Shaw  -  Howe Street, Edinburgh New Town  -   1991 ©


Sax Shaw

Here, Sax Shaw relaxes at his home in Howe Street in 1991 as he uses a quill to draw his cat.

I believe that some of the tapestries in the background are also the work of Sax Shaw.

Here is some of Sax Shaw's stained glass, propped up against one of the windows in his home at Howe Street.

Stained Glass at Saxe Shaw's house ©



Sax Shaw

Edinburgh at Work


