School Class at

Leith Walk
Primary School


Leith Walk Primary School  -  1954

©  D & W Prophet, Dundee.  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Christine Anderson, née Keith, Duddingston, Edinburgh

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   Leith Walk Primary School  -  1954 ©


Leith Walk Primary School

Thank you to Christine Anderson for allowing me to reproduce this photograph of a school class at Leith Walk Primary School, taken in 1954.

Acknowledgement:  Christine Anderson, née Keith, Duddingston, Edinburgh:  May 14, 2009

Thank you to Christine for also providing the list of names below.


Leith Walk
Primary School



1st Row
Back Row

2nd Row

3d Row

4th Row
Front Row

1 ? Jimmy Leslie ? John Littlejohn
2 Jimmy Gray Pat Wilson Rena Ferguson Billy Currie
3 Tommy Spalding Christine Drummond Elizabeth Robertson Alex Robertson
4 Ian Nicol Lorraine Cowe May  Laidlaw Tommy Smith
5 Ian Farquar Alice Morrison Hope Laidlaw Norman Bishop
6 Graham Wilson Anne Smith Nancy Matson Dale Traynor
7 Eric Daly Helen Robertson Pat Reid David Nelson
8 Ronald Stout Dougie Gibson Christine Keith  
9 Raymond Shanks      

Names provided by Christine Anderson, née Keith, Duddingston, Edinburgh: September 4, 2009



Kim Traynor

Tollcross Edinburgh

Thank you to Kim Traynor, who grew up at 18 East Thomas Street, for contacting me after finding the photograph above sent in by Christine Anderson (née Keith).

Kim wrote:

Leith Walk Primary School Class

"My older brother, Dale Traynor, is on the front row of this photo and Christine is on the row behind him.

I recognised Christine immediately.  I remember her well by sight, although we had no contact as such, as her generation was about four years ahead of mine.

I know that the skirt she is wearing in the photograph was a red tartan with a yellow or white stripe."

Kim Traynor, Tollcross, Edinburgh:  September 19, 2009

Kim added:

Coal Deliveries

"The brick wall set at a diagonal angle between the two boys on the back row, upper-right, was where coal was delivered to feed the school’s heating system.

It was strictly out of bounds to pupils who would have gladly turned the lumps of coal into missiles. One of the school janitors would always make an appearance at break-times, just to check nobody was getting too close to their precious hoard."

Kim Traynor, Tollcross, Edinburgh:  September 20, 2009




