
Probably near Edinburgh, where and when?

2 miners

Miners, probably from near Edinburgh  -  Where and when?

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to John Smith, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.


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   14 Edinburgh workers  -  around 1937  -  Which company? ©


2 Miners

Thank you to David Bain for allowing me to reproduce this photograph of two miners.

David wrote:

Near Edinburgh?

"This is one of two photos taken from ds postcards that came from my late aunt's house.  Unfortunately, they  have nothing at all written on the back.

My assumptions are that some of the miners are Flockharts, my grandmother's side of the family.  They were miners in Gilmerton and Newton village.

Could the minimal height of the winding gear in the background be an indication of where the photos were taken?   I can't say that I've ever seen it that low before.

The clothes are no help in dating the photos, nor are the dumb-buffered wooden wagons.  I remember seeing those still in use in the 1960s.

What have the men got on their bunnets?  Daffodils?

Thiis is the other photograph of miners that David sent to me.


Acknowledgement:  David Bain, Rotherham South Yorkshire, England:  April 10, 2007


Groups of Workers

Around Edinburgh


