Edinburgh Direct Aid

Edinburgh Direct Aid Warehouse, 16a West Harbour Road, Granton

Workers packing goods for refugees from Syria take a short break for Lunch

Seven of the workers, packing goods for refugees in Syria take a short lunch brea at the Edinburgh Direct Aid warehouse, 16a West Harbour Road, Granton

© Reproduced with acknowledgement to Jamie Munro who took this photo, and to Ian McHaffie on whose camera the photo was taken


Edinburgh Direct Aid

The Warehouse

This photo was taken in the Edinburgh Direct Aid warehouse at 16a West Harbour Road Granton, as the workers took a break in December 2013, whilst packing goods for delivery to refugees in Syria

Ian Tells me:


Lunch Break

"This photo was taken on a short lunch break, during a very busy packing day! Pallets can be seen in background, two deep, ready-packed and wrapped for shipment to Lebanon for  refugees from Syria.

The workers in this photo are:

-  Alan Black

Joe Murray

Ian Millar

-  Jim Harkins

-  Ian McHaffie

Andrew Horsburgh

Jeanne Bell."

Ian McHaffie, Granton, Edinburgh:  January 14, 2014

Edinburgh Direct Aid

Edinburgh Direct Aid was founded in 1992 by Denis Rutovitz and his wife Jeanne Bell.  Denis is Chairman.  He is on the right in this photo, standing beside Edinburgh's Lord Provost, Donald Wilson:

 Direct Aid Depot at West Harbour Road, Granton  -  Aid is about to leave for Syria  -  Christmas 2013 ©

This photo was taken at the Edinburgh Direct Aid warehouse, 16a West Harbour Road, Granton as the packages were about to be loaded for transport to refugees in  Syria on December 23, 2013.

Here is a  Briefing Report, written in 2002 about the work of Edinburgh Direct Aid.  It gives some idea of the wide range of  the charity's work over its first ten years.




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