Edinburgh Corporation Transport

Leith Bus Depot

Children's Party

Children's Party

Around 1955-56

Dalry Primary School Class, around 1956-57

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Kenneth Williamson, Silverknowes, Edinburgh




Kenneth Williamson

Silverknowes, Edinburgh

Thank you to Kenneth Williamson who wrote:

Children's Party

"Here is a photo of me looking 'aghast' at the person beside me drinking their juice without a straw.  This picture was taken at ECT Leith Bus Depot, Leith Walk.  I must have been about five or six.

My father was a bus driver and every year there was a real Christmas Party in the garage, not a disco but games and songs and then the lights went out and everyone sang 'Jingle Bells' and Santa Claus appeared and all the children got a present.

Note the healthy food, sausage rolls and sandwiches, washed down with juice.

There was also a Summer picnic to Alva every year with streamers hanging out the windows of the buses and plastic cups round our necks

Simple days!"

Kenneth Williamson, Silverknowes, Edinburgh:  December 19, 2011




Bob Lawson

Northamptonshire, England

Thank you to Bob Lawson who wrote:

Children's Party

"Reminiscing about Christmases past, I thought about parties I attended at the Leith Walk bus depot.  I was unsure who paid for the parties and wondered if any of the other contributors knew?

I attended a few of these parties, due to my father having been a driver for the Corporation, and us living just round the corner in Lorne Street. 

The Christmas parties always, I think, featured a magician for entertainment. 

My dad worked out of Shrubhill, (I know from having been taken to at least one union meeting there) and Gorgie, Sighthill and Tollcross at various times.  I don't think he worked out of Leith Walk. (He drove numbers 1 and 21 from the bottom of Easter Road, for much of my childhood.) 

I also went on the picnic outings to Alva Glen, Stirlingshire, mentioned by others. I think we saw the Wallace Monument on the journey.

I think the parties were arranged by the union (TGWU?) but I'm not sure.  It would be nice to know.  Does anyone know?"

Bob Lawson, Northamptonshire, England:    17 December  2018

Reply to Bob?

If you think you can help to answer the question that Bob asks above, please email me to let me know, then I'll pass on Bob's email address to you.

Thank you.

Peter Stubbs, Edinburgh    23 December 2018


School Photos

Edinburgh Recollections



