
East Thomas Street

Back Green of No 19

Around 1940

1. wee boy        2. Mrs Budge        3. Mrs. Kelly       4. daughter, Mary
Presentation of Prizes, 1954  -   Gilmerton Homing Club  -  Jimmy White, his father and other pigeon fanciers

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Richard Middlemiss


East Thomas Street

Thank you to Richard Middlemiss for sending me this photograph taken in the back green of No 19 East Thomas Street.

Richard writes:

"My Grandparents, James and Mary Kelly lived at 19 East Thomas Street from approx. 1914 to 1955. They had 4 children Robert, William, Alice and Mary.

Robert's son, Bertie, lived in the same house for a short while after 1955. 

The house was on the top flat and I can remember the toilets being on the landing between the flats.  One of the neighbours was a Mrs. Simpson."

Here is another photograph taken in the same back green:

Three ladies and a young boy at East Thomas Street, around 1940 ©


East Thomas Street  -  Photos

East Thomas Street - Recollections


