The Meadows

 Jawbone Walk

May 2008

Jawbone Walk in The Meadows  -  Cherry Blossom  -  May 2008

© Peter Stubbs                               Photograph taken May 13, 2008


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    Jawbone Walk in The Meadows  -  Cherry Blossom  -  May 2008 ©


The Meadows


This photograph was taken in colour on a fine sunny afternoon in May 2008, then changed to sepia using the Photoshop program on my PC.


Here is another photo of the same walk.  This photo is taken from a postcard posted in 1904.

Postcard published by John R Russel of Edinburgh (JRRE)  -  Jawbone Walk, West Meadows ©



The Meadows The Meadows - Cherry Blossom

Around Edinburgh


