The Meadows


The Meadows Bandstand

Being dismantled - 1950

 Waverley Market Entrance from Waverley Bridge, and North British Hotel - 1969

©  Scotsman Publications Ltd.   Click here for web site details.     Licensed by Scran,   Photo  23833  Scran 000-000-042-065            Photo published 25 Nov 1950


The Meadows


This photo is of the bandstand in The Meadows being dismantled in 1950.  Now, in 2012, the parts are in storage.

Here is a photo of the bandstand taken in the Meadows in 1945

           Bandstand in The Meadows - 1945 ©

... and here is another photo of it being dismantled in 1950.

Bandstand at The Meadows being dismantled by Edinburgh Parks Dept, 1950 ©


The Meadows

Around Edinburgh


