The entrance to

Holyrood Park


 Dumbiedykes Road


The Entrance to Holyrood Park from Dumbiedykes Road

© Peter Stubbs                                                                                      Photo taken:  February 26, 2008


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The Entrance to Holyrood Park from Dumbiedykes Road ©


Holyrood Park and Dumbiedykes Road


This photograph above was taken in 2008.  This view looks to the west out of Holyrood Park, towards Dumbiedykes Road.  The flats in this picture were built, I believe, around the early 1970s.

The old Park Keeper's Lodge (the 'Parkie's Hoose') is just out of the picture on the right.

The Park Keeper's Lodge, near the entrance to Holyrood Park from Dumbiedykes Road ©

Fifty Years Earlier

Please click on this thumbnail image below to view the same scene with the old houses in Dumbiedykes Road and Arthur Street,  about fifty years earlier.

Coal Lorry Accident

   Coal Lorry accident at the foot of Arthur Street ©



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