Alex Roberts

Postcard Portrait

Granny Rose Kernan with Bill and Ben

Postcard Portrait by Alex Roberts  -  Granny Rose Kernan with Bill and Ben Kernan

© Reproduced with acknowledgement to Ian Thomson
New South Wales, Australia


Portrait Postcard

Thank you to Ian Thomson, New South Wales, Australia for sending me this photograph:

Ian wrote:

The Kernan Family

"Here is a photograph of Granny Kernan,  maiden name Rose Mulligan, with Bill Kernan (on the left) and Ben, the oldest (on the right).  They lived in the South Side.  Granny Rose lived into her 90s.

It's a postcard from Alex Roberts' studio at Piershill, Edinburgh.  I don't know the year, but Bill looks to be aged about three.  He was born in 1909, so maybe the photo was taken in 1912."

Ian Thomson, New South Wales, Australia:  February 18, 2008.


The Kernan Family

Alex Roberts - Postcards

Alex Roberts and Family


