Marshall Wane & Co  -  Postcards  -  Un-numbered series

Duddingston Church

in Winter

Looking across Duddingston Loch to Duddingston Church

Postcard  -  M Wane & Co  - Duddingston Church in Winter

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Duddingston Church in Winter

The View

Duddingston, with its loch and church,  lies on the western edge of Holyrood Park.  The loch can be seen frozen in many views but the weather has seldom been cold enough for the loch to freeze in recent winters.

Lots of interesting detail can be seen, particularly when this view is enlarged.

The Postcard

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Marshall Wane

 Cartes de visite            Cabinet Prints            Post Cards

Family               Collections            Studios

International Exhibition 1886         Medals and Exhibitions



