Portrait by

James Bacon & Sons


Hand Tinted Photo Etching Portrait by James Bacon & Sons

©  Reproduced with acknowledgement to Frank Gadberry, Wagoner, Oklahoma, USA


James Bacon & Sons

Thank you to Frank Gadberry for allowing me to reproduce these portraits by James Bacon & Sons, together with a portrait of a lady:

Hand Tinted Photo Etching Portrait by James Bacon & Sons ©

The large photograph at the top of this page is the label on the back of one of these portraits:

Frank wrote:

"I purchased these good sized portraits quite a while ago.  They have an early label on the back from James Bacon and Sons. They look to be people of substance (probably husband and wife) but I don't find any identification.

They are hand tinted photo etchings marked as such and signed Jas Bacon & Sons"

Frank Gadberry, Wagoner, Oklahoma, USA:  November 30, 2007

If you can tell Frank anything more about these etchings, please e-mail me and I'll pass your message on to him.

Thank you:

- Peter Stubbs:  November 30, 2007


James Bacon  -  studio addresses and dates

James Bacon  -  background


